This series includes full-length video messages from Dr. Jeremiah—more than what airs on television. You can access these messages—and thousands of others—ANYTIME, on any device, with a subscription to TurningPoint+.
When you hear the name "David," what do you think of? Do you think of the boy who killed Goliath? The shepherd who wrote Psalm 23? The king who fell into sin with Bathsheba? David was all these things, but also much more. He opened up his whole life to us, and we can all identify with him. In this series, we will learn from David's triumphs as well as his transgressions, his strengths and his weaknesses.
In this message we learn what happens when God really puts His hand upon David, to use him for His purposes. Covers I Samuel 16:1-13.
Many of us will face something that, to us, is as formidable as the giant was to David. And we need the Word of God to help us. We need to have the strength, confidence, and courage that David had or we will be victimized instead of victors. Covers 1 Samuel 15:1-51.
We look at David’s life and we see his success...and we see his failure. But we also see his contrite repentance of his failure. And yes, he paid a penalty for it, but God continued to use him. Because with the exception of that event, says the Old Testament, he pleased the Lord. In this message, we learn that David was successful, yet in order to please God he needed to manage his success with the utmost humility and submission to the Lord. Covers 1 Samuel 17:55-18:30.
In this message, we learn from David’s spiral to depression and his rise to victory as he cried out to God. Covers 1 Samuel 22:1-2 and Psalm 142,
When David became king, one of the things he wanted to do was restore the Ark of the Covenant to its central place in Jerusalem. He knew that God would want this, and he wanted what God wanted. However, it is possible to do what God wants through the wrong means. The ark was the physical representation of the presence of God among God’s people. Covers 2 Samuel 6:1-23.
What happens when your dream dies? In this lesson we learn that David had great dreams to build a house for the Ark of God...only to have that dream die. We will see how David responds to this as well as how we should respond when our dreams are broken. Covers 2 Samuel 7:1-29,
People do not lead moral lives one day and have an affair the next. It may appear that way, but in truth it is a slow descent. And the descent is often overlooked because some stages are not obvious, invisible to outsiders. In this lesson we learn about the gradual decay of David's morality that led him to the affair with Bathsheba. Covers 2 Samuel 11:1-27.