This series includes full-length audio messages from Dr. Jeremiah—more than what airs on radio. You can access these messages—and thousands of others—ANYTIME, on any device, with a subscription to TurningPoint+.
Though we talk about the Rapture, we don't often know much about it.
How will it affect us? How should it motivate us in the life in which we live today? Will it happen before or after the Tribulation? In The Great Disappearance, Dr. David Jeremiah presents fascinating glimpses of hope and insight into this next event on God's prophetic calendar. From this study, you will find inspiration and motivation to live with a greater purpose as we reach the world with this urgent message.
Being caught up with Christ and ushered into heaven—that will be a great day, indeed! Dr. David Jeremiah begins his definitive series on the Rapture with biblical wisdom to help you prepare for the day Christ returns for His Church. Covers Selected Scriptures.
Jesus said He would return when things are as bad as they were during Noah’s time. Has our world fallen that far? In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah compares the days of Noah to the times in which we live now. Covers selected Scriptures.
If you’re a believer living in fear of death, take heart! Dr. David Jeremiah reveals why Christians can face death without fear, confident of what lies beyond. Covers selected Scriptures.
No parent wants to be separated from their kids, so it’s natural to wonder if they’ll be included in the Rapture. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah reassures you of God’s love for little ones. Covers selected Scriptures.
Many people – even some Christians – think heaven is just a state of mind. If you’re tempted to believe that, listen along as Dr. David Jeremiah reveals why heaven is a very real place. Covers selected Scriptures.
As a believer, it’s exciting to think of all you’ll gain in the Rapture. But also consider what you’ll miss: seven years of hell on earth. Dr. David Jeremiah looks at the Tribulation in this message. Covers selected Scriptures.
How many prophetic events need to happen before the Rapture can take place? Would you believe zero? In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah considers how imminent Christ’s return really is. Covers selected Scriptures.
The first coming of Christ was quiet and unassuming. His Second Coming will be dramatically different. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah unpacks the extraordinary events of the Second Coming. Covers selected Scriptures.
Do you feel the urgency of the Rapture, wondering what to do as you await it? The apostle Paul felt it. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah shares Paul’s advice on how to live until it happens. Covers selected Scriptures.