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God created us to be interconnected beings who, when filled with His life and power, exude passion and enthusiasm about everything we do.
In Life Wide Open, Dr. David Jeremiah devotes chapters to passionate living in eleven different areas - from faith to work to humility. This series will help you grow in your understanding of God and have more meaningful worship as your intimacy with God increases. If you can identify passion in part of your life but not all, let Life Wide Open lead you back toward the abundant life Christ came to give.
A bell-shaped curve of the general population shows that the majority lives a complacent life; they follow the crowd instead of leading the way. Only a few are willing to step out and live on the edge, pushing the boundaries. Christian should be among that group living life heartily. Covers Colossians 3:23-24.
There’s an adage in the business world that says, “It’s not what you know, but who you know that counts.” That was certainly true for Moses, who didn’t think he was qualified to rescue the Hebrew slaves from Egypt. But God pointed out that with Him, all things would be possible. Covers Exodus 3.
Typically, Christians get excited when an athlete, or other celebrity, professes faith in Christ. While we rejoice in any person’s salvation, God seems to use humble, ordinary people more than those who are powerful in the world’s eyes. The less one has, the less one has to give up to know God. Covers 1 Corinthians 1:26-31.
In America, people are trying to retire at younger and younger ages. They work hard and save for thirty years so they can retire in their fifties. Caleb was a man who would have thought that strange. At age eighty-five, he experienced his greatest victory, still living a life wholly committed to the Lord. From the series Life Wide Open. Covers Joshua 14:6-15.
Someone once said that the problem with living sacrifices is that they keep trying to crawl off the altar! Being a living sacrifice means to offer every part of oneself to God. Only then, when the idea of total commitment is settled, will the Christian discover God’s good and perfect will. From the series Life Wide Open. Covers Romans 12:1-2.
Wisdom and intelligence have been confused in our modern world, but they are distinct concepts in Scripture. Wisdom is a matter of living life with skill – navigating and negotiating pitfalls so as to remain out of moral and spiritual danger. Spiritual wisdom comes from walking with God. From the series Life Wide Open. Covers Ephesians 5:15-21.
The Bible says, “To whom much is given, much is required.” The Jews, Paul’s countrymen, had been given every spiritual privilege, including giving birth to the Messiah. But they had failed to receive Jesus, their Lord. And the heart of the apostle Paul was broken over their spiritual state. From the series Life Wide Open. Covers Romans 9:1-5.
Who doesn’t know the story of David and Goliath? But how many know the real story? It’s not just a tale of the underdog winning. It’s a true story of one young man who was jealous for the glory of the God of Israel, who believed God would use him to bring victory to God’s people. From the series Life Wide Open. Covers 1 Samuel 17:1-51.
It is not a matter of “if” the Christian is going to experience challenging circumstances in life, but “when.” And when that happens, the next step is to decide whether difficulties mean that God has withdrawn His love or not. The apostle Paul answers that question without reservation. From the series Life Wide Open. Covers Romans 8:35-39.
Often we hear individuals who are interviewed on the news say, “I feel blessed…” It’s become a catch-phrase in modern culture for “fortunate.” Jesus Christ gave a prescription for how to reach a state of blessedness, fulfillment, or contentment: hunger and thirst after righteousness. From the series Life Wide Open. Covers Matthew 5:6.
Some Christians leave their jobs to pursue a vocation in full-time ministry, believing such work to be more spiritual and therefore more pleasing to God. God makes no such distinction in Scripture. All work is sacred to Him when it is done from the heart and for His glory. From the series Life Wide Open. Covers Ephesians 6:5-8.
Every generation believes it has new insight into how to get the most out of life. But Solomon said it best: “There is nothing new under the sun,” He tried everything the world has to offer and concluded that honoring God and keeping His commandments was the secret of a meaningful life. From the series Life Wide Open. Covers Ecclesiastes 11-12.