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No one is beyond the reach of God's grace.
This series is all about the multifaceted jewel of grace, and it will open up different perspectives on this unworldly provision of God which you may be unfamiliar with. Most Christians know they were saved by grace, but many are not aware that they live by grace. Let Dr. Jeremiah teach you how to apply the principles of God's grace to your life, as he takes us on an incredible journey through the lives of two self-proclaimed wretches who were completely transformed by the saving power of God. This same grace is available to us!
There is a 200 year-old song that in the last 40 years has become a sort of national anthem for the world: “Amazing Grace.” How ironic that God would put a hymn extolling His grace in the lips of the whole world. God’s grace in His gift to those who do not deserve his forgiveness and love. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Captured by Grace.
Some people don’t believe they’ve sinned, and others think they’ve sinned too much to ever be saved. Once we acknowledge we’ve sinned, the next step is to realize that God’s redemption is free. We can’t earn it or work for it. If we could, it wouldn’t be free - and wouldn’t be by grace. Covers Romans 3:9-25. From the series Captured by Grace.
Many people today herald Jesus as a person who would associate with the lowly and needy in any society - and He was. But He sought them not for companionship but to save them! Their condition made them aware of their need - a prerequisite for receiving the grace of God. Covers Luke 15:11-32. From the series Captured by Grace.
Human beings are capable of living comfortable with double standards. We hold others to higher values than we hold ourselves; we fail to live out the exhortations we give to others. And God sees it all. Our unrighteousness is so pervasive that the grace of God is our only hope. Covers Romans 2:1-16. From the series Captured by Grace.
We know that the grace of God is what makes our salvation possible. But many Christians do not realize it is the grace of God that makes our Christian life possible as well. Everything we need to begin and continue our walk with Jesus - peace, encouragement, and more - is by grace. Covers Romans 5:1-11. From the series Captured by Grace.
We hear a lot today about “seeker sensitive” churches and “seeker driven” services. But the Bible says that no one seeks after God. Yet there is a Seeker, and His name is Jesus. Jesus sought out Saul and he was converted in an instant because of the powerful grace of God in his life. Covers Acts 9:1-9. From the series Captured by Grace.
The kingdom of God is filled with numerous paradoxes: To live we must die, to receive we must give, and to be strong we must be weak. It is only when we find ourselves without strength that the grace of God allows the power of Jesus Christ to be strong through us. Covers II Corinthians 4:7-11; 17-18; 12:7-10. From the series Captured by Grace.
We often hear people say, “Don’t worry - everything will turn out for the best in the end!” That’s optimistic, hopeful, and encouraging but not necessarily true unless you’re a Christian. God makes a specific promise to His children that everything works together for their good. Covers Romans 8:28. From the series Captured by Grace.
We forget that our lives depend on oxygen until we are deprived of it. And so it is with grace. It is behind us, around us, and in front of us. The past, present, and future of the Christian life are all the result of, and dependent on, grace. It is the air we breathe as believers in Christ. Covers Titus 2:11-14. From the series Captured by Grace.
Keep a record for one week of every display of ingratitude you encounter - yours or anyone else’s. The truth is, we are not nearly as grateful as we could and should be - and that includes Christians. Anyone touched by grace should reveal his gratitude in every word and deed. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Captured by Grace.