It’s not just the beginning of creation that the Bible describes—God’s Word details many important “firsts,” from the first martyr to the first church. This collection of messages from Dr. David Jeremiah will allow you to explore these landmark moments. A great idea if you are looking for a topic for your Bible Study group!
If God were to ask you why He should let you into heaven, what would you say? Dr. David Jeremiah explains why there are only two ways to answer: one is the way of Cain and the other is the way of Abel. God will accept one but not the other. Covers Hebrews 11:4. From the series Ordinary People, Extraordinary Faith.
The birth of the Christian church is ignited as people recognize that the Jewish rabbi named Jesus has come back to life—fulfilling prophecy—and is appearing to His followers. Covers Acts 1-2.
From the series A.D.: The Revolution that Changed the World.
Stephen, the willing servant of the Lord, defends himself against false accusations, but his eloquent defense inflames the Sanhedrin and leads to his death as the first Christian martyr. Covers Acts 6:8-8:1.
From the series A.D.: The Revolution that Changed the World.
There’s great truth in the expression, “Hurt people hurt people.” Perhaps you’ve been on the receiving end of that hurt. Elijah certainly was. Dr. David Jeremiah examines Elijah’s response to the hurt that was intended for him, and what it reveals about his character. Covers 1 Kings 17:17-24.