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This series includes full-length video messages from Dr. Jeremiah—more than what airs on television. You can access these messages—and thousands of others—ANYTIME, on any device, with a subscription to TurningPoint+.

Everyone offers a plan on how you should move forward in life. But before you get started, you should know GOD'S plan!.

Imagine a tomorrow where you discover your God-given purpose, maximize your mindset, easily prioritize your time, overcome your fears, outlive your life, fulfill your purpose, and receive your eternal reward! Wouldn’t that be amazing?

The steps to discovering God’s presence and purpose in your life present a pathway forward no matter who you are, what your age, what your circumstances, or what you desire to do. Let Forward be your step-by-step plan of action that helps you move past where you are to where you want to be.



Dream: Seize Your Tomorrow Today


God wants you to see the dream He has for your life and then live out that dream every single day.

Without a blueprint, a house cannot be built. But without a picture of the house you want, a blueprint cannot be drawn up. The same holds true when it comes to making plans for the future. Without a compelling, God-given dream for your life, you will find yourself treading water, getting through this day just so you can get through the next.

In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah teaches us how to identify God's dream for us and give it the clarity it needs to develop the blueprint for our future. Covers Luke 14:28, 31 and 1 Chronicles 28:20. From the series Forward.



Pray: Consult with Your Creator


If you feel like your life has stalled, your spirit is weary, or you lack direction, Dr. David Jeremiah has a solution: take it to God in prayer.

In this message, we get a practical illustration from the book of Nehemiah that shows us what it looks like to ask God for clarity, guidance, purpose, strength, and perseverance through earnest, fervent prayer. Covers Nehemiah 1:4 and 11. From the series Forward.



Choose: Diminish Your Distractions


In order to say yes to the things that are important in life, you have to be willing to say no to the things that aren’t.

We live in a demanding world that is constantly requiring more and more of us, even as we realize that we don't have the time, help, or energy to accomplish it all. The raging battle between supply and demand can leave us feeling stuck, blocked, or burned out.

But there is good news: this plateau is not your new normal and it’s not what God wants for your life. Rather, it’s an opportunity to pause and consider your priorities as you prepare for future growth. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Forward.



Focus: Make Your One Thing the Main Thing


Your future is out there waiting for you!

God created us with eyes in the front of our heads, not the back. So why do we spend so much time focusing on the past? Past hurts. Past triumphs. Past mistakes. They hold us back from what we were meant to be.

Just as Paul encouraged the Philippian Christians to forget those things which were behind them and focus on what was ahead of them, so Dr. David Jeremiah will encourage you in this uplifting message to sharpen your focus on God’s purpose, perspective, plan, and prize for your life. Covers Philippians 3:12-14. From the series Forward.



Risk: Get out of Your Safe Zone


There’s no such thing as faith without fear.

In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah shows you that God’s will for you is not earthly comfort but divine courage. Courage in the face of opposition. Courage in the face of cultural change. Courage when you are confronted with the unknown. If you never take a risk, you will never overcome. If you’re ready to leave the Safe Zone and enter the Faith Zone, be of good courage and take a leap of faith! Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Forward.



Pursue: Chase Your Dreams


What if you could live the rest of your life with no regrets?

What if you could close out the day, the month, even the year feeling satisfied that you were fulfilling your true purpose and calling in life? What if you could know, without a doubt, that your efforts weren’t wasted because they were God-conceived, God-directed, and God-honoring? You can—by finding, embracing, and living out God’s purpose for you. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Forward.



Believe: Get Your Mind Right


In many ways, we live in a world that has trouble hanging onto hope.

In the face of our global and personal challenges, hope can feel flimsy. Optimism can seem foolhardy. And when you aren’t positive about the future, you often don’t try very hard in the present. But as believers in an all-powerful, all-knowing, sovereign God, Christians should be the most positive people on the planet!

In this hope-filled message, Dr. David Jeremiah not only explains the biblical basis for outrageous positivity, he breaks it down into insightful lessons about having a positive viewpoint of our core convictions, our conversations with others, the way we present ourselves to the world, and even our confusion when life doesn't go as planned. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Forward.



Invest: Outlive Your Life


You can’t leave a legacy unless you invest in the future.

Whether we’re rich, poor, or fall somewhere in-between, everything we have is actually God’s. He has chosen us to be His stewards—to faithfully look after what He has given us and use it to accomplish His purposes in this life.

In this hard-hitting message, Dr. Jeremiah explains the kind of wealth that will survive loss, and the kind of investments that will never become insolvent. And he shows you how investing in God’s Word, His work, and His wealth is the key to all of it—because while earthly wealth is fleeting, heavenly investments pay dividends for many lifetimes. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Forward.



Finish: You’re Not Done Until You’re Done


While you may look forward to retirement from your 9 to 5 job (or perhaps you’re already enjoying it!) there’s no retirement plan for Christians.

Our roles and situations may change throughout our lives, but as long as we’re breathing, God has something for us to do. It may be the same sort of thing we’ve been doing for Him for a long time. Or it may be something completely new. No matter what it is, you can be sure that God expects you to finish strong.

In this inspiring message, Dr. Jeremiah encourages you to take your examples of finishing well from Scripture and modern life, calling on you to stay focused, resilient, connected, ready, and vigilant. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Forward.



Celebrate: Turn Your Forward Into Forever


The only true way forward is with Jesus.

Everything we do on earth—every dream, every prayer, every risk we take, every investment we make—all of it is a shadow of the greater, richer, more fulfilling life that is waiting for us in heaven.

In this final, hope-filled message from the Forward series, Dr. David Jeremiah unveils the beauty of our heavenly home, showing us how our God rewards His children for their faithfulness on earth, how our bodies will be resurrected and transformed, how our work is not done, and how our praise will be perfected. The best is truly yet to come! Covers selected Scriptures.


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