This series includes full-length audio messages from Dr. Jeremiah—more than what airs on radio. You can access these messages—and thousands of others—ANYTIME, on any device, with a subscription to TurningPoint+.
The world appears to be in a never-ending pursuit for happiness.
Part of the problem is that the world equates happiness with laughter and sensory pleasure while the Bible equates it with blessedness, fulfillment, joy, and an eternal perspective for daily living. Nowhere in the Bible is this explained more clearly than in the Beatitudes of Christ, found in Matthew 5:1-12. In this series, Dr. David Jeremiah explains these paradoxical promises of Jesus. Find out how you can escape Satan's deception that happiness can be bought.
There has never been a time in history when mankind has been more entertained and more unhappy at the same time. While entertainment certainly has its place, it cannot replace true happiness. Happiness is a by-product of knowing God, not an end in itself. Covers Matthew 5:1-12. From the series How to Be Happy According to Jesus.
Imagine a book titled Humility and How I Achieved It. That kind of humility is often practiced in modern times: one that is recognized as being a desirable trait but is used solely for the purpose of self-promotion. True humility is about promoting God, not self. Covers Matthew 5:3. From the series How to Be Happy According to Jesus.
The Bible is a book of paradoxes: We receive by giving, live by dying, and find by losing. Similarly, we can find true blessedness by mourning. Contrary to what our culture tells us, true happiness can be experiences when we mourn for ourselves and others. Covers Matthew 5:4. From the series How to Be Happy According to Jesus.
Look around today and you see people trying to increase their strength: working out at gyms, taking steroids to bulk up, and jockeying for positions of power in business. Paradoxically, the Bible says true strength comes when we recognize our true weakness. Covers Matthew 5:5. From the series How to Be Happy According to Jesus.
There are cable TV shows on cooking, magazines devoted to food, diet plans - food is a consuming topic in our culture. Many people mistake physical hunger for spiritual hunger and remain unfilled. Only God can satisfy the deepest hunger of the soul. Covers Matthew 5:6. From the series How to Be Happy According to Jesus.
In this message, we learn how those who are merciful are blessed by examining the parables of the Good Samaritan, the Forgiven Debt, and the Sown Seeds. Covers Matthew 5:7. From the series How to Be Happy According to Jesus.
The League of Nations was formed in 1920 and the United Nations in 1945, to promote peace among the nations of the world. Unfortunately, the cause of unrest and war is not nations, but the nature of man. Only God's peace can settle the wars in the human heart. Covers Matthew 5:9. From the series How to Be Happy According to Jesus.
During flu season we are reminded of strategies for remaining healthy: Stay out of crowded places, wash your hands often, don't eat and drink after others. To stay spiritually healthy, we need a wellness strategy: a way to keep our hearts clean and undefiled by sin. Covers Matthew 5:8. From the series How to Be Happy According to Jesus.
Many Western Christians believe that the persecution of the church is something to study in history books. Not true. The Christian church is the most persecuted religious body in the modern world. Jesus' promise of rewards for the persecuted church still applies today. Covers Matthew 5:10-12. From the series How to Be Happy According to Jesus.
The recipes for finding happiness in this world are innumerable. Ask a thousand people, and you'll get a thousand different strategies. Since we were not made to live in a fallen world, true happiness must be found outside it - through the living and written Word. Covers Matthew 5:1-12. From the series How to Be Happy According to Jesus.