This series includes full-length audio messages from Dr. Jeremiah—more than what airs on radio. You can access these messages—and thousands of others—ANYTIME, on any device, with a subscription to TurningPoint+.
We all overcome obstacles—regardless of how big or small. But the Bible introduces a different kind of obstacle that we must be prepared to face—spiritual warfare.
In the Overcomer series, David Jeremiah uses Paul’s description of spiritual armor as an outline for exploring the Christian’s call to be an overcomer. This is not a technical description of Roman armor, but an applicational study of what it means to stand firm and overcome sin, the world, and the devil. In Christ, the believer has everything necessary to live a victorious, overcoming life. When we “put on” Christ, we are putting on all the spiritual armor we need not only to stand, but to overcome!
Before we dive deep into what it means to put on the full armor of God, let’s take a look at one of God’s warriors before he donned any armor at all. Covers 1 Samuel 17:1-51
Dr. David Jeremiah shows you how to tap into the inexhaustible strength of God through His Word, through worship, by waiting, and even through experiencing our own weakness. Covers selected Scriptures.
To be an overcomer, it’s important that you always speak the truth. But are you just talking the talk? Or are you also walking the walk?
Dr. David Jeremiah takes a closer look at Paul's description of the belt of truth, part of the believer's armor that is described in Ephesians 6. To gain victory over our culture of lies and deceit, we must put truth into action. Covers Selected Scriptures.
Are you carrying a grudge against somebody? If you are, you’re holding onto hate that the other person probably isn’t even aware of. So who are you really hurting?
Drawing from Paul's description of the breastplate of righteousness in Ephesians 6, Dr. David Jeremiah offers specific strategies to help us leave vengeance to God, live peaceably with all men, counteract evil with good, and bless those who mistreat us.
Covers Romans 12:17-21 plus selected Scriptures.
A soldier doesn’t go into battle in bare feet, and yet we so often forget to put on our shoes—the peace that is rightfully ours through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr. David Jeremiah is keen to remind us.
Did you know that your faith is alive, and that, like all living things, it can grow?
In his account of the believer's armor in Ephesians 6, Paul refers to the shield of faith. Strong faith is a vital element of the armor of God; it is the shield by which we extinguish the fiery arrows the devil sends flying at us throughout our lives.
In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah gives us five strategies to fortify our shield of faith, making it bigger, better, and stronger—so that we can be victorious in a world that wants to make us victims. Covers selected Scriptures.
If we devote ourselves to heeding God's wisdom over that of the world's, we adorn ourselves with the helmet of salvation that Paul talks about in Ephesians 6. In this message, David Jeremiah outlines six ways in which we can devote ourselves to God's wisdom and protect ourselves from allowing harmful things into our minds. Covers selected Scriptures.
Your best defense against falling to temptation is God's Word. In Ephesians 6, Paul describes God's Word as the sword of the Spirit, a powerful weapon that destroys temptation where it stands. But we must learn how to have this weapon readily equipped to use.
In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah covers the value of reading, understanding, and memorizing Scripture as a means of having the sword of the Spirit always within our grasp. Covers selected Scriptures.
While we can read our Bibles and do good works and think of godly things and all the rest, we can’t do any of it very effectively (or for very long) without bathing all of it in regular prayer. Dr. David Jeremiah teaches you how to be persistent in prayer, in all places, at all times, for all things. Covers selected Scriptures.
The same power that raised Jesus from the dead works in us—daily—to give us victory over every enemy, even death itself. Because of Christ’s sacrifice once for all, death holds no terror over us.