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When you truly know that heaven is a real place, it changes the way you live.
Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven will answer and clarify the most important questions Christians have about their future eternal home. If you have had questions about heaven—especially about how to get there—let Pastor David Jeremiah help you close the gap between what the Bible says about heaven and what you know. This series pulls the curtain back--to the extent Scripture allows--to reveal the glorious and utterly amazing realm of heaven. It will transform your perspective here on earth!
Everyone has heard the expression, "Oh, this is just heaven!" Granted, it's a figure of speech, but it betrays the casual approach most people take to something that is biblically serious. Since heaven is the eternal home of Christians, we should know all there is to know about it. Covers selected Scriptures.
From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven.
It is common for armchair theologians to voice strong opinions concerning heaven and hell. Rather than speculate on such matters, it is far better to take the word of the Son of God Himself from the story He told of two men - one who went to each place. Covers Luke 16:19-31. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .
Some people suggest that heaven is going to be dull, sitting around strumming on harps all day - forever! Nothing could be further from the truth. Heaven is the place where every ultimate longing of the human heart and spirit is satisfied, something we’ve never experienced on earth. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .
Much speculation has been offered about what those who populate heaven will look like. Will they appear as angels? As “ghosts”? The Bible makes it clear that believers will have corporeal bodies that are recognizable but which are free from all the limitations of bodies on planet earth. Covers I Corinthians 15:35-49. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .
Athletes in ancient Greece practiced for nearly a year to win prizes that would soon fade away. Christians who run the spiritual race diligently will receive rewards for their faithfulness at the judgment seat of Christ, rewards which they will reinvest in the glory of Christ for eternity. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .
Parts of heaven are like folklore- “streets of gold,” “pearly gates,” and the like. But the city called the New Jerusalem is not fable or fancy, it is a literal city that will be the eternal capital of heaven. Believers who intend to live there should become familiar with their future home. Covers Revelation 21. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .
While there is a proliferation of worship music today, some Christians see it as oppositional. The apostle John looked through a doorway into heaven and saw that worship was a central activity. The Christian’s life should be a dress rehearsal on earth for an eternity of worship in heaven. Covers Revelation 4:1-11. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .
There has been much confusion about the fate of planet earth. Some have read the Bible’s words about fire and burning to mean that the earth will be obliterated at the end of the age. Not so. There will be fire, but it will be restorative instead of destructive. The earth is our home forever. Covers Revelation 21:1, 5; 22:3, 2 Peter 3:10-13. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .
Imagine a TV nature show where you see a lion sneaking up on a bale of hay instead of an antelope. During the Millennium, peace will rule the earth - including the animals! Christ’s kingdom will be characterized by peace, prosperity, purity, prolonged life, and personal joy. Covers Revelation 20:1-10. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .
There is no grief as deep as that of a parent who loses a child - at any age. But when a child dies as an infant or at a young age, how does God view their eternal destiny? The Bible gives assurance to all parents who lose a child prior to the child being able to place faith in Christ. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven.
It’s often said, “Out of sight, out of mind.” And that’s what happens to some believers regarding heaven. Because we can’t see it, we become lax in our preparation for it. But heaven is real, Christ is coming, and we must exercise ourselves to be ready for that Day. Covers 2 Peter 3:10-18. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .