This series includes full-length audio messages from Dr. Jeremiah—more than what airs on radio. You can access these messages—and thousands of others—ANYTIME, on any device, with a subscription to TurningPoint+.
More than any other portion of the Bible, Romans 9 through 11 explain the past, present, and future of God's chosen people, leaving us to stand amazed at the wisdom and purposes of God.
Many people “raised in the church” feel their religious heritage gives them a unique standing before God. But if anyone’s heritage were unique in God’s sight, it was the Jews. Yet without Christ, they were as lost as the most pagan Gentiles. Heritage counts for nothing without Christ. Covers Romans 9:1-5.
From the series Romans.
Many people have questioned both the goodness and the power of God in light of the world’s condition. Perhaps man’s sinfulness has overpowered and altered God’s plans? Paul assures his readers that God’s elective purposes stand in spite of man’s response to them. Covers Romans 9:6-13.
From the series Romans.
No matter is so besetting among those exposed to deeper truths of Scripture than election unto salvation. When we assume we have a right, or the ability, to think like God, we make our first mistake. Learning to trust Him with who He is and what He does is the key to “understanding.” Covers Romans 9:14-18.
From the series Romans.
When children are small, the complaint, “That’s not fair!” is the first thing out of their mouths when things don’t go their way. Unfortunately, age doesn’t remove that perspective entirely. Paul gives four reasons why God’s actions are “fair”- that is, consistent with who He is. Covers Romans 9:19-33.
From the series Romans.
A fanatic has been described as a person who redoubles his efforts after losing his way. Many people border on religious fanaticism, expending great amounts of energy in a direction that doesn’t please God. Only zeal based on knowledge is ultimately pleasing to God. Covers Romans 10:1-4.
From the series Romans.
New Age religions have one benefit: They will make you appreciate anew the simplicity of the Christian Gospel. Simple, however, does not mean simplistic. One of the wonders of Christian faith is how much can be received with such a child-like response. Covers Romans 10:5-15.
From the series Romans.
If you ask a group of non-Christians why they haven’t accepted Christ, you may get as many different answers as there are members of the group. In truth, there is only one reason why people don’t believe - but you rarely find anyone honest enough to admit it. Covers Romans 10:16-21.
From the series Romans.
It has been said that the greatest proof for the existence of God is the existence of the Jewish race. How else could such an ancient people continue to exist after so many thousands of years? Paul says it is due to one thing: The election of grace. Covers Romans 11:1-10.
From the series Romans.
“Every cloud has a silver lining” is the world’s way of hoping that something good might come out of a tragedy. But with God there is no hoping – only knowing. The Jews are an illustration of Romans 8:28. Out of their failure has come, and will come, blessing for the world. Covers Romans 11:11-36.
From the series Romans.
Taking things for granted is a temptation everyone faces. But when the favor you received was bestowed 2,000 years ago, the temptation is even more real. If Christians ever lose sight of the basis of their blessings from God, it’s time to heed the warnings of the Apostle Paul. Covers Romans 11:17-24.
From the series Romans.
Novels and movies make every effort to prolong the mystery they present. “Who done it” is concealed until the last minute. But God, at the right time, does exactly the opposite when He purposefully reveals something in the present He had purposefully concealed in the past. Covers Romans 11:25-32.
From the series Romans.
Appreciating what astronauts do is one thing, but taking a tour of NASA’s laboratories is altogether different. “Wow!” is often our response when we are exposed to great knowledge. In a manner of speaking, Paul say’s, “Wow!” when he considers who God is and what He has done. Covers Romans 11: 33-36.
From the series Romans.