This series includes full-length video messages from Dr. Jeremiah—more than what airs on television. You can access these messages—and thousands of others—ANYTIME, on any device, with a subscription to TurningPoint+.
Have you ever doubted your salvation? Or sought to understand salvation and the Holy Spirit more?
The first four verses of Romans 8 are like the overture to a great symphony. They offer a glimpse into all the themes of the chapter and answer the question, What blessings do we have in Christ? Drawing from this passage, Dr. David Jeremiah recaptures what it means to be a Christian. Covers Romans 8:1-4.
Throughout the book of Romans, the apostle Paul teaches through contrast: Adam and Christ, slavery and freedom, death and life. In this message, we will study the difference between the flesh and the Spirit. Join Dr. David Jeremiah to learn how our mindset affects our spiritual life. Covers Romans 8:5-11.
What we believe determines how we behave. Do you believe that? In this message, Paul shifts from God's doctrine to our duty. Once we know the truth, we have an obligation to act upon it. Open the Scriptures with Dr. David Jeremiah to discover our high calling —and responsibility—to obey God. Covers Romans 8:12-17.
When we look around at the suffering in our world, it is natural to become discouraged. How can we have hope? According to Dr. David Jeremiah, hope is the anchor in heaven attached to the throne of God. Join him as he contrasts the groaning and suffering of this world with the glory that awaits God's people in the next. Covers Romans 8:18-27.
Romans 8:28 has been called the greatest verse in the greatest chapter in the greatest book in all of Scripture. It offers Christians a unique way of processing life when bad things happen to them. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explores five transformational truths contained in this verse.
Having contributed to two major divisions in the Church, the passage covered in this message is one of the most perilous journeys in the book of Romans. Watch as Dr. David Jeremiah prayerfully examines the concept of God's foreknowledge, a magnificent expression of God's sovereign love. Covers Romans 8:29-30.
Accepting God's gift of salvation can empower us to live a life of strength and courage. How? Dr. David Jeremiah looks at five unshakeable promises that flow from understanding the five links of salvation—truths that span from eternity past to eternity future. Covers Romans 8:31-36.
The last section of Romans 8 introduces a force strong enough to conquer anything. Are you ready to open your heart to the incredible possibility that whatever is going on in your life, God is more powerful than that? Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he explores the height and depth of God's love. Covers Romans 8:37-39.