As Christians, we understand the importance of studying and applying all of Scripture, as it is divinely inspired (2 Timothy 3:16). But where do we start? Follow along as Dr. David Jeremiah expands on ten of the most instructive passages of Scripture, certainly beneficial to those who are just starting their walk with the Lord or those who want to get back on the right path.
Modern man lives at a frantic pace and relies on various therapies to keep him from slipping over the edge. But a 2,000 year-old invitation still stands as the best remedy for relieving the stress of life: Take Jesus' yoke upon you and learn from Him. Covers Matthew 11:28-30.
From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.
The kingdom of God is full of paradoxes. We get by giving, we live by dying, and we find strength in weakness. Avoiding pain is part of the culture we live in. Embracing pain is seen as masochistic if not foolish. But God says it is in our weakness that we find true strength in Him. Covers II Corinthians 12:7-10.
We live in a world where frantic rushing is the norm. Every silent space is filled with noise of some kind: traffic, television radio, music, and conversation. We are fearful of the silent, empty spaces and places. And yet that is where we must wait in order to meet God and gain strength. Covers Isaiah 40:28-31.
Jesus’ words in John 3:16 contain enough theology for an entire book or series of sermons. It tells us why Christ died for us – shedding His blood for our redemption – and offers seven dimensions of God’s saving love through Christ. Covers John 3:16.
Many people in the world are people of faith, but that is not the same number that are Christians. It takes more than faith to be a Christian; it takes biblical faith. Faith is not as important as the object of one's faith. And in the Bible, the only valid object of faith is the God of the Bible. Covers Hebrews 11:1-3, 6.
From the series Hebrews.
No one is exempt from circumstances leading to discouragement. The challenge is not to live an insulted or isolated life, but to be prepared to keep discouragement from turning into despair. Conviction, confidence, and commitment can lead to steadfastness in life. In this lesson we'll be introduced to the prophet Jeremiah, a leader who struggles with loneliness. Covers the book of Jeremiah. From the series Overcoming Loneliness.
A soldier doesn’t go into battle in bare feet, and yet we so often forget to put on our shoes—the peace that is rightfully ours through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr. David Jeremiah is keen to remind us.
The older we get, the easier it is to look back and see times when we “lost it.” We get distracted by the pressures of life and begin to make decisions on our own - leaving God on the periphery of our life. Proverbs has a prescription that will keep that from ever happening again. From the series Powerful Principles from Proverbs. Covers Proverbs 3:5-6.
Romans 8:28 has been called the greatest verse in the greatest chapter in the greatest book in all of Scripture. It offers Christians a unique way of processing life when bad things happen to them. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explores five transformational truths contained in this verse.
Jesus said the only way to heaven is through Him. That’s a powerful message nonbelievers need to hear, but what is the message for Christians? Dr. David Jeremiah challenges us not to be bound by a culture that labels this message as offensive or intolerant. Covers John 14:4-6.
Dr. Jeremiah explains the principles of divine perspective, purpose, persuasion, priority, presence, and prosperity. Covers Joshua 1:2-9, plus other selected Scriptures.