When we think of the word “prophecy,” images of fire and brimstone tend to fill our minds and incite a feeling of fear. But prophecy is also where we find the greatest of promises to believers: The rapture of the church, the return and reign of Jesus Christ, and an eternity of joy.
Everyone has heard the expression, "Oh, this is just heaven!" Granted, it's a figure of speech, but it betrays the casual approach most people take to something that is biblically serious. Since heaven is the eternal home of Christians, we should know all there is to know about it. Covers selected Scriptures.
From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven.
There has been much confusion about the fate of planet earth. Some have read the Bible’s words about fire and burning to mean that the earth will be obliterated at the end of the age. Not so. There will be fire, but it will be restorative instead of destructive. The earth is our home forever. Covers Revelation 21:1, 5; 22:3, 2 Peter 3:10-13. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .
Planet earth's most amazing day is yet to come: The largest amassing of armies in world history will turn their faces skyward to see Jesus Christ descending from the clouds with His own armies. By the word of His mouth, He will pronounce judgment upon all who rebel against God. Covers Revelation 19:11-21.
From the series Signs: 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse.
Where do we go from here? Even in these Last Days, we can have unwavering joy because the Gospel is triumphant, and Jesus is victorious. In the conclusion to the series Where Do We Go From Here?, Dr. David Jeremiah points to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the message that will triumph in this critical hour. Covers the book of Colossians.
Revival in the hearts of humankind is the answer to the loss of hope many feel today—learn more in this message. Covers selected Scriptures.