As humans with finite perspectives, we are often troubled by what the future may hold for ourselves and for the world. The events of today's world can certainly pull our attention away from what God has called us to do while he walk this earth. So put away all distractions and discover what really matters in our walk with Christ.
If we are honest, most of us will admit that we can deal with things that have a precedent, but walking into uncharted territory provokes fear. Joshua and his people are about to experience that. They were standing at the watershed of history. Behind them, the wilderness; in front of them, the Promised Land. In these last moments of their journey, before they were ordered to march through the water, they felt the same kind of fear that you and I feel when we stand at our Jordan River. From the series A Nation in Crisis. Covers Joshua 3:1-17.
If there were only one day left until Christ returned, what would you do if there is no day after tomorrow? How would you fill those hours awaiting the return of Christ? Dr. Jeremiah shares ideas on how to make those hours fruitful for the cause of Christ. Selected Scriptures
Look around Christendom today and you will observe an endless array of ministires and methods for carrying out the spread of the Gospel. In spite of the wealth of our resources and reasons, today's church would do well to recall the focused simplicity of the early church's priorities. Acts 15:36-16:10
Athletes in ancient Greece practiced for nearly a year to win prizes that would soon fade away. Christians who run the spiritual race diligently will receive rewards for their faithfulness at the judgment seat of Christ, rewards which they will reinvest in the glory of Christ for eternity. Covers selected Scriptures.
Christians understand the responsibility to grow in spiritual maturity. What is often less understood is that we don’t grow on our own. Our progress toward maturity is based upon the faithfulness of God - and specifically the person of Jesus Christ who is the anchor of our soul. Covers Hebrews 6:9-20.
God’s creation is complementary: Humans need oxygen and plants produce it; plants need carbon dioxide and humans exhale it. Likewise, because every person is important and needs encouragement, God has given every person the ability to be an encourager. Covers selected Scriptures.