Over a lifetime of study, Dr. Jeremiah has come to cherish the whole counsel of God’s Word. But there are special few verses He comes back to on a regular basis. Watch and listen as he explains the power and the promises behind these cherished sections of Scripture.
People usually attend sporting events with friends or family. The security of being with a small group insulates them from the anonymity of sitting amidst thousands of strangers. In the church, we need small groups for the same reason. They are the center for spiritual security for believers. Covers selected Scriptures.
We live each day in the physical world, while all around us agents of good and evil exist in a realm that is unseen, at least most of the time. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah shares a rare instance when God allowed mankind to see that invisible realm, inspiring incredible confidence. Covers 2 Kings 6:8-23.
Peter opens his second epistle by telling us God has given us everything we need for life and godliness, and He empowers us for that kind of life by His great and precious promises. We’re not a passive part of the process. We must diligently work to build up the traits that will honor Christ and make us more like Him. Peter tells us to diligently add to our faith the qualities of virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. This lesson focuses on the aspect of diligence, growing into the likeness of Christ by working at it with all our heart. Covers Selected Scriptures. From the series Everything You Need.
Jesus’ words in John 3:16 contain enough theology for an entire book or series of sermons. It tells us why Christ died for us – shedding His blood for our redemption – and offers seven dimensions of God’s saving love through Christ. Covers John 3:16.
In this message, we will come to know God in a deeper way. We will study how God has revealed Himself to us so that we can know Him. Covers Psalm 19.
Many Christians think only of the book of Revelation when they think about the Great Tribulation and the last days. But the prophets of the Old Testament wrote about many of the same events - not usually in as much detail, but with the same degree of accuracy. Covers Daniel 12:2-4.
From the series The Handwriting on the Wall.
When children are small and overcome by fear, wise parents do not say, "Be confident! Be courageous!" Instead, they help the child overcome fear by loving them, which in turn builds confidence and courage. In the same way, God's love leads to confidence and courage within ourselves. Covers I John 4:17-19.
A bell-shaped curve of the general population shows that the majority lives a complacent life; they follow the crowd instead of leading the way. Only a few are willing to step out and live on the edge, pushing the boundaries. Christian should be among that group living life heartily. Covers Colossians 3:23-24.
Typically, Christians get excited when an athlete, or other celebrity, professes faith in Christ. While we rejoice in any person’s salvation, God seems to use humble, ordinary people more than those who are powerful in the world’s eyes. The less one has, the less one has to give up to know God. Covers 1 Corinthians 1:26-31.
It’s often said, “Out of sight, out of mind.” And that’s what happens to some believers regarding heaven. Because we can’t see it, we become lax in our preparation for it. But heaven is real, Christ is coming, and we must exercise ourselves to be ready for that Day. Covers 2 Peter 3:10-18. From the series Revealing the Mysteries of Heaven .
Much is made in the Christian community of avoiding crippling levels of financial debt, and rightfully so. But not as much is made of the one debt Scripture says we should carry, and in the maximum amount; the debt of love. Love fulfills God’s law as we await the return of His Son. Covers Romans 13:8-14.
Warfare by definition is the absence of peace. But in spiritual warfare, personal peace becomes part of the Christian's armor. Covers Ephesians 6:15. From the series Spiritual Warfare.
The joke about the farmer not being able to use his mule until he whacked him in the forehead to get his attention could have been told about the spiritual life. Sometime suffering is the only thing that will cause God’s children to obey His voice. Covers Jonah 1:17.
Think of a time in your life when you failed and weren’t given a second chance- and a time when you were. Anyone who’s been given a second chance knows the power of grace and restoration at that moment. Failure is big, but God’s grace is always bigger. Covers Jonah 3:1-2.